Tales of the Otori, looking for the difference between these books? - very very young bbs
So I was browsing Amazon to add for the next book in my collection and I came across two different copies of the Tales of series "Otori. One thing is for young adults, can be found here: http://www. Amazon.com / Across Nightingale -Floor-Episode-Warrior/dp/0142403245/ref = sr_1_9/104-8258543-3914354? ie = UTF8 & s = books & qid = 1183344406 & sr = 1-9
The other, here: http://www.amazon.com/Across-Nightingale-Floor-Tales-Otori/dp/1573223328/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-8258543-3914354?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1183344406&sr=1- 1 additional pages contain.
I guess my question is: this book is for adults and adolescents? Can anyone tell me about this series? I am an adult, and I am looking for something attractive with the development of the real character and style.
There are three books:
Across the Nightingale Floor (Second, you list)
Grass for his pillow
Brightness of the moon
There is a space that takes place fifteen years later claim not to read. It sucks. All three are really good, but.
The first question, the list is only half of the first book. You see special editions will be published for every product made in one episode and an episode two. They are names are:
- (This is the first in the list) Across the Nightingale Floor Episode One: The Sword of the Warrior
"Across the Nightingale Floor Episode Two: Journey to Inuyama
"Grass for his pillow Treasures Episode One: Lord Fujiwara
Grass for his Pillow, Episode Two: The Way of Snow
Brilliance of the Moon-Episode One: Battle for Maruyama
Brilliance of the Moon-Episode Two: Scars of Victory
Sal takes place in an imaginary country that has characteristics of feudal Japan. The first three are their own history, not read the fourth.
I have six books and love them, but I love literature for young adults, it can not in my opinion unbiased. The first link is a very small volume, while the latter is greater. The text is the same.
I do not know what kind of book I usually enjoy a book, but if you love Japanese literature might like it. These questions were not intended to be held in Japan, the historical context, but it feels authentic. Think about how the mystical realism. . . The story seems to be taking in feudal Japan, but it is not literally true.
If you are undecided, I'm in the bookstore and read the first chapter himself. Or you can your library for a loan or obtain a copy.
I associated it with an excerpt from a book. Not sure if this is the first chapter in its entirety, but very close to the beginning. I really recommend if you want to read something light and fun, but.
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